Can’t Get Bored on Mykonos
If you feel bored or uninspired while on Mykonos, then either you picked the wrong destination for your state of mind or you are not well-informed. Anyone looking for more will quickly discover that Mykonos has the right combination of what it takes to charm its visitors and keep them coming back to indulge on the island.
Obviously, the notable attractions on Mykonos are the beaches, where you can sunbathe, relax, snorkel — even party until sunrise.
Fortunately enough, this whimsical island is a real vacation playground with lots of intriguing activities that exceed the expectations of visitors.
Keep Calm and Discover Mykonos

There are tons of things to do and see on the island. Partying and sunbathing, though typical, are just two of the countless reasons to go to Mykonos for a good time. In reality, Mykonos is the kind of island where boredom is rare, almost a superficial idea.
So, if you want to do more than party your heart out, you may want to also…

Go shopping

And so much more…
You have been informed. Try not to limit the scope of your vacation when you visit Mykonos. New activities and events are always coming up, including this summer, 2017. Stay tuned and be in the loop!