-As CNN had successfully predicted in April – (see link below)
The global pandemic forced travellers to cancel their plans for the last two summers. Refunds and cancellations remain the “name of the game” worldwide, with reservation platforms, travel agencies, airlines and the whole industry struggling to prevent further revenue drops.
Mykonos, even with the experts arguing that the pandemic would equally to 2020 affect the 2021 Season, was a bright exception. The Greek Government took all the necessary measures to protect the health of the massive incoming tourism and the local population. Admittedly, the government did a good job and the Covid-19 stats remained stable throughout the summer months.
Mykonos island, as a luxury destination, enjoyed a long season of guests indulging themselves in this small Aegean paradise. Luxury villas, luxury motor yachts and the beach bars were just the tip of the iceberg.
Mykonos with its “fitness survival” personality, produced an environment fit for all tastes. The Mykonos scene in 2021 called for many luxury villas in isolated areas of the island to be equally popular. Parties and events -with a small venue payment- replaced the bar restaurants and other public venues. Private cruises with luxury motor yachts were also a protagonist in the summer arena. With protocols reaching up to 40 people on a single yacht, M/Y were a magnet for guests that wanted to be together all day, in privacy, in luxury, and without the Covid threat. Private chefs in villas and onboard yachts also played a huge role in the “group privacy” post-covid culture.
Even private beaches in the southern part of the island, were visited for the first time by guests that have been repetitive for years! In contrast to 2020, the island was heavily chosen by our out-of-continent guests, with the Americans reaching the 19% of the total of visitors. Mykonos, as an international destination, once again was one of the top options for American citizens, and not only. Israel and the Middle East once more honoured Mykonos during the high season, and Russian guests increased by 4% since 2019.
Mykonos Luxury, with its selection of 140 luxury villas, all well culminated to be up to the American hosting standards, was one of the top local agencies to open its wings and fly, along with its guests, into the blue Aegean sky right above the diamond of the Cyclades, the Diva of the Aegean, our cherished Mykonos to which our team is so devoted.
Internet Source: https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/greece-covid-free-islands-mykonos-cmd/index.html
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